#spider /POISONING, spider BITEs Nearly all spiders produce venom, which they inject to {paralyse} & kill their prey. However, only a few species are harmful to man. The hairy tarantula of Southern Europe is relatively harmless, although its bite is painful. Severity of bite & outcome will largely depend on species of spider. Spiders whose bite occasionally cause death in man include: $1 black widow - USA brown recluse - USA banana - South America redback - Australia funnel web - Australia $1 Although there may be no native poisonous spiders in your region, some people collect poisonous species. Sometimes spiders even arrive in fruit cargoes. DIAGNOSIS: Witness spider, usually seen & identified, swelling & pain at bite site, bite mark is single puncture, skin discoloration, {vomiting}, disturbed vision. Possible unconsciousness, absence of {pulse}, breathing may stop. TREATMENT: Treat {shock}. Quickly get to a medical center where anti-spider venom is available. #clint poison /animated 8f/s It is not advisable to make incision into area of bite & try to suck out venom as 1 is rarely immediately available to prevent absorption of poison. However, it is important to identify the spider so that a suitable anti-venom can be administered. Make a note of spider's markings, or if it has been captured or killed, be sure to keep it.